Gay stories for over 18s - true stories
Chapter 2 - In the hotel
04/02/2009 02:50We finishes chapter 1 at the following point:
The titles on the film rolled a few minutes later, both lads left still extremely horny.
They decided to go half each and find a room for the next few hours, they checked into quite a plush hotel, but hey they were only here for the sex.
Damon walked into the room and slumped onto the bed, Scott walked in behind him quite sheepisly, shy and nervous. They both knew what was coming but were very nervous to start it.
They both eventually sat on the bed, not knowing where to look or what to do, after a few minutes Scott put the Television on and they both half heartedly watched the TV show.
Scott eventually plucked up the courage and said 'Oh we could be here all night doing nothing haha' Damon gave him quite a dirty frown at his comment.
I am laying there, wondering why did I let it get this far, Mark is a good friend of mine, this will get me into serious bother, sure this lad is extremely hot but is it worth the hassle.
He felt so good in the cinema, but at least there it just happened, for heaven sake I had to kiss a guy for first time ever in public, what if one of my friends seen me? What if cinema staff reported us to police, what ifs running through my head.
But is he even my type? Does he have any condoms or lube, I certainly don't? How far will this go? Will Mark know, should I tell him or should Damon? Will this be a one off or what?
My hearts pounding, I am getting headache with worries and now knowing what is best to do.
God I would do anything right now, to feel him inside me. I love him to bits as my friend, but as a fuck buddy I had never thought of him that way before.
But god, when we do it on cam he looks so big, looks so hot, I want to feel how big he is. What 7.5 inches at least, got to be? But then I couldn't feel much in the cinema, Do I not do it for him was he soft? Was his jeans baggy?
Is he scared because of Mark, well fuck Mark, he just messes with my head, he doesn't give me sex when I need it, he doesn't like all the techniques and things I like, yeah I am weird, but I have high sex drive.
Oh come on I just want him to get naked and let me touch him and see how big a boy he is.
Damon got up and went to the toilet, Scott started rubbing himself thinking about what could happen next.
Damon came back and left his top button on his jeans undone and stretched out high so Scott could clearly see the top button was undone, Damon then got back on the bed and this time cuddled up next to Scott. Damon complained his stomach was sore.
Scott decided to rub his stomach for him, while Damon had his ass just at Scott's crotch so he could feel Scott's bulge against his ass. Scott seen this as his chance to take things further, eventually he reached over and kissed Damon on the neck, Damon let out a loud moan and said 'Ohh Scott you know that gets me really
horny'. Scott took cruise control and started passionately kissing Damon on the lips.
Damon kept rubbing his ass off of Scott's crotch getting closer into it. Scott let his hands go up Damon's top and he eventually started sucking Damon's erect man nipples. Damon loved this and was moaning loudly, whilst rubbing his own penis.
Scott then set his hand on Damon's throbbing cock whilst sucking Damon's nipples. Eventually Damon could cope no more and demanded Scott had sex with him. Scott unbottoned Damon's jeans and pulled them off, when they came off, Scott started poking Damon's ass with his finger with one hand and with other hand he rubbed Damon's testicles.
Scott eventually pulled Damon's boxers off to the floor and started to lick Damon's testicles.
Damon was aroun 7.5" long but had quite a thick penis, his testicles hung quite low. Damon had very little body hair apart from pubic areas.
Damon took Scott's top off over his head and licked his way down Scott's body, when he got to his waist, Damon grabbed hold of Scott's hardening penis and massaged it gently. He then slowly undid Scott's jeans and slid them and his boxers down to the floor.
Scott's penis was just under 8", his testicles were an average size. Scott had quite a bit of body hair but tried to control this himself.
Damon immediately got on top of scott, rubbing his ass off of Scott's penis, Damon bent down and kissed Scott passionately on the lips. At this moment Damon grabbed hold of Scott's penis and put it just to the edge of his anus and he motioned Scott to insert it.
Due to the amount of precum from Scott's penis this was quite easy to do and it went in without any problems, well Damon certainly enjoyed it.
Over the next 1.5 hrs Scott fucked Damon's ass in all sorts of positions, Damon loved to lay on his back and Scott to go between his legs, when they done this Scott would bend over and kiss him passionately, as there was a mirror behind Scott, Damon could watch his ass moving as Scott went in and out of him.
After Scott had done his deed twice inside Damon, he decided to let Damon have his go, Scott lay down on the bed and Damon climbed on top of him, Damon inserted his penis into Scott's mouth and slowly moved it and out. Scott attempted to sit up to take in the full length but Damon insisted he done all the work, so
Scott lay still taken Damon's 7.5" penis.
Damon eventually lifted off of Scott's chest and moved closer to Scott's mouth, the way he was moving himself around it was almost as if he was fucking Scott's mouth.
Scott eventually grabbed hold of Damon's butt cheeks and got better control of his movement in and out of him, so he could deep throat the younger lad.
Damon screamed out with delight as he was about to shoot his load, and shoot he did do, right down Scott's throat, Scott got an almighty mouthful of Damon's man juice.
Damon then grabbed Scott into an almighty hug and they kissed passionately again.
After this the guys took seperate showers and then parted company.
What happens next ;) mark is still to find out:O mssg me on here with your ideas for future stories.