Gay stories for over 18s - true stories

Chapter 1 - 2 published

03/02/2009 19:07

Hey folks,

welcome to my site :D

well I started reading all the stories on and became a really horny guy, when it came to stories about other guys. I can be very imaginitive, but unfortunately had to tone some of these down as my versions would not be publishable.

I have written about real life things that have involved me, I am one of the key characters, I will publicise fact I am not Damon though.

This is something that has affected my life within the past 6 months, now all names are fictional to protect my and others identities.

I want to be as honest and open as I can about what went on, but want to glam it up a bit, to be honest every bit of Chapters 1 - 2 are complete truth, apart from names and to be honest more happened than I wrote about.
I don't want to bore people, but I want people to get something out of it, so please feedback on how good / bad they are. I can tell more in the stories, I can be more sexual, I can be less sexual whatever.

I just want to tell my story as honest as I can.

Thanks for reading



